The video, Meatrix, brought home what is really happening in the food industry. Traditionally, farmers raised healthy livestock on their farms. As shown in the Meatrix this suddenly changed. Now, the small farmer is literally on the chopping block. Large companies have taken over the role of provider. Mass production of farm animals is currently at its best largely due to technological advancements. Recently in the news one company was being investigated for animal cruelty. You can go to and see the video that changed the way America does business.
The federal government is very clear as to what is expected regarding laws and regulations regarding food. Check it out on the web at
The federal government is very clear as to what is expected regarding laws and regulations regarding food. Check it out on the web at
The Meatrix opened my eyes, as well. I now understand organic food much better and why persons spend all of the extra money to buy it. At this point I wonder if anything is being done to stop what is occuring, or to reverse it. Many people believe that manufactured food products are the cause of various diseases, such as cancer, or other medical conditions that have become much more prevalent in recent years. I certainly would be in favor of reversing this trend. Also, I am going to be a little more discriminating when I am in the grocery store. A final thought occured to me; was technology the cause of mad-cows disease, which was problematic a couple of years ago?
I agree with you something has to be done about the increase cost of food, the increased incidents of recalls and contaminated food. Organic food is much better for us but the cost has prevented a large sector of the population from being able to purchase the organic items. Living in the country and having asset to open land has made me rethink the idea of farming and gardening. As the children got older we stop planting a garden and started planting a few items like tomatoes in in planters. The diseases, recalls and cancer factors along are enough for us to reconsider our habits. From experience, I can tell you the home grown foods are better tasting and healther for you.
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